Breast Lift vs. Breast Reduction: Which Is the Right Procedure for You?

A woman speaks with her doctor in doctor's office. (Models)

Breast surgery can be life-changing. Whether you’re considering a breast lift, a breast reduction, or both, understanding the differences between these procedures is important.

Both procedures aim to reshape and enhance breast contours, but they serve different needs. This blog post will give an overview of breast lift and breast reduction procedures so you can make an informed choice.

Understanding Breast Lift and Breast Reduction

Breast lift and breast reduction are procedures that can enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence.

Here’s a breakdown of the 2 procedures:

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

What it involves:

  • Removal of excess, sagging skin
  • Tightening of the surrounding tissue
  • Reshaping the breast contour

Possible additional adjustments:

  • Repositioning and/or reducing of the nipple and areola

Ideal for those who:

  • Are content with their breast volume
  • Desire a perky, uplifted appearance

Common motivators:

  • Counteracting effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes, or aging
Before & After Breast Lift Case 388 Front View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Lift
Before & After Breast Lift Case 12 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Lift
Before & After Breast Lift Case 493 Front View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Lift
Before & After Breast Lift Case 516 Front View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Lift
Before & After Breast Lift Case 45 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Lift

Breast Reduction Surgery (Reduction Mammoplasty)

What it involves:

  • Removal of breast tissue and fat
  • Lifting and reshaping the breast

Possible additional adjustments:

  • Reduction of enlarged areolas
  • Liposuction of the lateral chest

Ideal for those with:

  • Overly large, heavy breasts
  • Physical limitations from pendulous breasts
  • Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain, skin irritation, bra strap grooves

Common motivators:

  • Seeking physical and emotional comfort
  • Creating balance and proportion with the body frame
Before & After Breast Reduction Case 14 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Reduction
Before & After Breast Reduction Case 250 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Reduction
Before & After Breast Reduction Case 264 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Reduction
Before & After Breast Reduction Case 43 View #1 View in Toledo, Ohio
Before & After Breast Reduction

Along with transforming your appearance, these procedures can profoundly impact your self-image and overall quality of life.

Procedure Goals and Benefits

Both procedures empower you to feel more comfortable with your body and can provide a new sense of freedom in your clothing choices, activities, and overall lifestyle.

Breast Lift

The primary goal of a breast lift is to create a more youthful and uplifted breast profile. This procedure can be beneficial if you’ve seen changes in your breast shape due to the natural aging process, significant weight loss, or the after-effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A breast lift restores your breasts to a more youthful position, often leading to a renewed sense of confidence.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery has the dual purpose of alleviating both physical and emotional discomfort. The excessive weight of overly large breasts can cause health issues, including persistent back, neck, and shoulder pain, deep grooves from bra straps, and even numbness in the fingers. Skin problems such as rashes and infections from trapped moisture under the breasts are also common concerns. Many women with very large breasts feel self-conscious about the unwanted attention they attract.

By reducing the size and weight of the breasts, this surgery can relieve these symptoms, enabling a more active and comfortable lifestyle. Breast reduction patients also enjoy being able to wear clothing that was not an option for them before. The psychological benefits are often profound and carry over into all areas of your life.

Results and Scarring

Witnessing the immediate transformation after surgery is a moment many patients find incredibly rewarding. Here’s what to expect in the short and long term:

Immediate Post-Surgery Changes

  • Noticeable changes in the shape and position of the breasts
  • Swelling that gradually subsides

Long-Term Healing

  • Breasts settle into their new position over several months
  • Final results become apparent as swelling diminishes

Postoperative Care

My team and I will provide detailed aftercare instructions and may recommend:

  • Special creams or silicone sheets to reduce the appearance of scars
  • Other treatments to enhance healing

Understanding Scarring

Scarring is an inevitable aspect of any surgical procedure. However, refined surgical techniques and strategic incision placement will help minimize visible scarring. In a breast lift, incisions are typically made around the areola and, depending on the extent of the lift, may extend vertically downward from the areola to the crease of the breast. These are easily hidden by bras and swimsuits.

Breast reduction incisions may be more extensive, but they also follow the breast’s natural contours to help minimize visible scarring.

As you heal, these incision lines will gradually fade at a rate that varies from person to person and depends on factors like genetics, skin tone, and adherence to postoperative care instructions. My team and I will make sure you have the necessary resources to care for your scars to help them fade effectively.

Cost and Insurance Considerations

In some cases, breast reduction surgery may be deemed medically necessary. If this is the case, your insurance may cover all or part of your procedure. You can read more about what’s involved in getting insurance coverage for breast reduction in a related blog post from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Since breast lift is considered cosmetic, it is not typically covered by insurance.

We’ll help you navigate the financial considerations, and we’ve partnered with several companies to offer financing to qualified patients.

Making the Decision: Lift, Reduction, or Both?

Deciding to undergo a breast lift, reduction, or perhaps combining a breast lift and reduction is a personal choice that depends on your body and goals. At your consultation, I’ll listen to your goals and concerns and offer advice tailored to your body and aspirations. My years of experience have given me an understanding of the nuances of these procedures and how they can fit your lifestyle and self-image.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’d like to speak with Dr. Colville, a board-certified plastic surgeon, about your options, we invite you to call our office today at (419) 534-6551 or request a consultation. Your comfort, confidence, and health are our utmost priorities.

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