Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck model

For women and men who would like a smoother, flatter midsection, Dr. Craig Colville performs abdominoplasty, often called a tummy tuck, at his Toledo, Ohio, practice. This transformative surgery is the preferred option for removing excess skin and fat, and tightening lax abdominal muscles – characteristics that often result from pregnancy or significant weight loss. Tummy tuck surgery provides improvements that cannot be achieved through diet and exercise alone.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Craig Colville attracts tummy tuck and other plastic surgery patients from Sandusky, Findlay, Ann Arbor, and throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan to his Toledo plastic surgery practice. To learn more, request a consultation online or call  (419) 534-6551 to schedule an appointment.

 Before & After Photos


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How Do You Know If You Need a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck is the appropriate procedure when you have more than just fat around your abdomen. Abdominoplasty patients usually have one or more of the following concerns:

  • Excess, sagging abdominal skin
  • A protruding belly caused by stretched abdominal muscles
  • Rolls or bulges of stubborn fat

The appearance may improve somewhat with exercise, but ultimately these conditions require surgical correction. Typical tummy tuck patients have gone through one or more pregnancies or lost a significant amount of weight.

After Pregnancy

Tummy tuck surgery repairs weakened or damaged muscles, removes excess skin, and reduces fat in the midsection. This makes it especially popular with women who have had children, because in addition to stretched skin, pregnancy often causes a separation of the abdominal muscles called diastasis recti. Although diastasis recti sometimes resolves on its own, many cases require surgical repair, which slims the waist and flattens the abdomen.

After Significant Weight Loss

Tummy tuck is also a good option for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight. These men and women are often left with extra skin and abdominal sagging that prevent them from fully enjoying the results of their hard work.

What’s Better a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

If you have good skin elasticity and your primary concern is fat around the midsection, liposuction may be a better option than a tummy tuck. Dr. Colville often combines both liposuction and abdominoplasty into a single procedure.

During your consultation, Dr. Colville will evaluate your abdomen and make a recommendation about the right choice for you.

How Is a Full Tummy Tuck Performed?

If you are like most tummy tuck candidates, you will likely benefit from a full tummy tuck. During this procedure, Dr. Colville typically makes an incision on the lower abdomen, extending from hip to hip where it will be hidden beneath underwear or a bikini. In most cases, there is also an incision around the navel. The full tummy tuck allows for muscle repair and fat and skin removal, both above and below the navel.

Tummy Tuck incisions

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure?

If your concerns are isolated to the area below the navel, a mini tummy tuck may be appropriate. This version of the tummy tuck requires only a shortened horizontal incision along the lower abdomen. If you’re unsure of which approach is best for you, Dr. Colville can help you decide during your consultation.

A Reputation Built on Results

From start to finish my experience was amazing. The staff is friendly and helpful. Dr Coville is direct...
I could not be happier with the results of my procedure that was performed by Dr Colville. He was able...
Dr.Colville and his staff have helped me reach something I have wanted done for many many years! I felt...
Dr. Colville and his team did a great Job on my tuck and lift. I saw a few other surgeons before choosing...

Can a Tummy Tuck Be Combined With Other Procedures?

In some cases, women who undergo tummy tuck surgery choose to combine it with breast augmentation or a breast lift in a popular combination surgery called a mommy makeover. Whichever options you choose, Dr. Colville will be sure to inform you of what you can expect from your surgery and recovery.

Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

To ensure your safety and comfort, Dr. Colville performs abdominoplasty using a general anesthetic. He begins by making the incision low on your abdomen. Depending on your unique surgical plan, he may remove excess fat using liposuction, surgically tighten weakened or separated abdominal muscles, and remove stretched skin, pulling it downward to create a smooth, flat abdominal contour. He may also adjust the navel, if necessary. Once he is satisfied with the shape and symmetry of your abdomen, he closes the incision with sutures. In most cases, he will place at least 1 temporary surgical drain to prevent complications from the buildup of excessive fluid.

Tummy tuck surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll be able to return home the same day. You’ll need a friend or loved one to drive you home and stay with you as you rest immediately after surgery.

Craig W. Colville, MD, FACS

"My ultimate goal is to design a plan accommodating your wishes and desires in the most aesthetically pleasing manner possible."

Meet Dr. Colville

How Soon Can I Return to Work After a Tummy Tuck?

Most tummy tuck patients take 10 to 14 days off work after surgery. It’s imperative that you give your body plenty of time to recuperate and heal before returning to your routine activities.

Your Tummy Tuck Recovery

During recovery, it’s important to have a family member or friend to help you with certain everyday tasks. You should avoid any activities that require you to reach, bend, stoop, or lift. Therefore, you’ll need help with things like housekeeping, cooking, errands, and childcare. Dr. Colville also warns against driving until you’re no longer taking prescription pain medication.

In most cases, recuperation after tummy tuck surgery is not particularly painful. You will wear a compression garment to help control swelling, and you will receive detailed instructions about showering, changing bandages, caring for your drains, and taking medications. Your surgical drains are removed after about a week, and Dr. Colville and his team monitor your healing at follow-up appointments.

Patients considering a tummy tuck come from Sandusky, Findlay, Ann Arbor, and throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan to our Toledo practice. If you’re interested in learning more about tummy tuck surgery, request a consultation online, or call Dr. Colville’s office at (419) 534-6551 to schedule an appointment.

Tummy Tuck FAQ

How much weight do you lose with a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery isn’t a weight loss procedure; it primarily focuses on removing excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. While some weight may be lost due to the removal of skin and tissue, the amount varies among individuals and is not the primary goal of the surgery.

Do I really need to wear a compression garment during the recovery period?

Wearing a compression garment during the recovery period after a tummy tuck is typically recommended. Compression garments help reduce swelling, provide support to the surgical area, and promote proper healing. Following your surgeon’s advice regarding wearing a compression garment can contribute to optimal results.

How painful is tummy tuck surgery?

Pain levels after tummy tuck surgery vary from person to person, but it is common to experience some discomfort and soreness during the initial recovery period. Pain can be managed with prescribed pain medications, and the discomfort typically improves over time as the healing progresses. The overwhelming majority of tummy tuck patients say the confidence they feel after a tummy tuck is well worth any discomfort they experience during the recuperation period.

Will my bellybutton be moved?

In most cases, during a tummy tuck procedure, the bellybutton is not moved. Instead, the excess skin and tissue are repositioned and tightened around the existing belly button, resulting in a more rejuvenated appearance. However, in certain cases where significant changes to the abdominal area are required, the position of the bellybutton may be adjusted.

What if I’ve had a C-section? Can I still get a tummy tuck?

If you’ve had a C-section in the past, you should still be eligible for a tummy tuck. In fact, many women are thrilled to learn that they can improve or remove their C-section scar with a tummy tuck.

How long will my results last?

The results of a tummy tuck can be long-lasting, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and stable weight after the surgery. However, factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and genetics can affect the long-term outcome. Generally, with proper care and maintenance, tummy tuck results can be enjoyed indefinitely.
