It’s pretty common for women considering cosmetic breast enhancement surgery to ask if they can get the results they want with breast implants alone or if they also need a breast lift. They also want to know how long the results will last and if they will need another breast surgery at some point.
The answers to these questions are unique for each patient. One of my responsibilities as a plastic surgeon is to educate patients not just about the procedure I’m recommending, but also about why the procedure is right for them. This is true for every patient who comes in for a cosmetic surgery consultation. Women who want to improve the appearance of their breasts each have unique goals and reasons for wanting cosmetic breast surgery. The best way to achieve those goals depends on each patient’s specific situation.
Creating Harmonious Breasts
Most patients who come in for breast enhancement surgery—whether it’s breast augmentation or a breast lift with breast implants—want fuller, firmer breasts with enhanced cleavage. I approach breast lift surgery from a unique perspective that focuses first on creating an appearance that is in harmony with the body rather than on breast size.
Creating aesthetically pleasing breasts, regardless of size, involves creating a balanced relationship between the nipples, the breast mound, and the fold under the breast mound where the breasts connect to the chest. If this relationship isn’t achieved, changes to the size of the breasts won’t improve the results.
Women who aren’t sure whether they can achieve their goals with only breast implants or whether they need a breast lift, too, can stand in front of a mirror without a top on and get a pretty good idea of what procedure would be best for them. If they see that the nipples are below the crease at the base of the breast, pointing downward, it’s highly likely that a breast lift, with or without implants, is necessary to accomplish their goals.
At our practice, we also offer patients the opportunity to see the difference between a breast lift alone or combined with breast implants using the advanced VECTRA® 3D imaging system.
What Happens During a Breast Lift?
As mentioned earlier, a breast lift requires restoring the harmonious relationship between the nipple, the breast, and the fold at the base of the breast. If the lift is combined with breast implants, the implants can restore volume to the breast mound and help create more firmness, but they really won’t lift the breast mound.
One of the keys to creating beautiful breast lift results is ensuring that the nipple is correctly located on the breast mound—meaning it’s high enough but not too high. That is why a plastic surgeon’s sense of aesthetics is so important. Cosmetic breast surgery isn’t a cookie-cutter procedure. The position of the nipple needs to relate to both the breast mound and the fold, which varies from patient to patient.
A breast lift procedure combined with implants can take up to 3 hours and is performed using a general anesthetic. The incision pattern depends on the severity of breast sagging and the size of the breasts.
Creating an “Internal Bra Cup” With GalaFLEX®
During breast lift surgery, plastic surgeons reshape the breast by removing excess skin and tightening tissue to create a lifted appearance. But this is tissue that has already been stretched, meaning the results won’t be as long-lasting as the patients would like. Clinical studies show that within 10 years following surgery, somewhere between 32% and 48% of patients undergo a second surgery to revise their initial lift results.
GalaFLEX is a mesh scaffold that provides additional support, significantly increasing the longevity of breast lift results. I use a curved piece of GalaFLEX for breast lift procedures to create an internal bra that supports the breast like a shelf, helping to shape the breast and prevent sagging.
The biopolymer material used to make the scaffolding stimulates the production of new collagen as it’s gradually absorbed by the body for 18 to 24 months following surgery. The end result is tissue that is 4 times stronger than the typical scar tissue following mastopexy alone without using GalaFLEX. After absorbing the scaffold, the body eliminates it as water and carbon dioxide through its natural physiologic processes.
Inserting the GalaFLEX piece during a breast lift does add to the cost of the procedure. This is something I discuss with patients during their consultations. I encourage them to look at the big picture by noting that better support initially will reduce the chance of having to undergo a subsequent surgery.
That doesn’t mean breast lift results are permanent. Breasts do continue to age but the duration of the results is extended using GalaFLEX.
Let’s Talk
Choosing a plastic surgeon to perform a breast lift is one of the most important decisions you will make. It’s important to learn as much as possible about the procedure and the surgeon’s techniques, in addition to viewing before-and-after photos of the surgeon’s actual patients. To meet with me and discuss your breast lift options at my Toldeo practice, request a consultation using the online form or call our office at (419) 534-6551 to schedule an appointment.